Now here is another prayer,
describing the celebrations
I do for the mother goddess

Hail to thee our mother goddess.

In thee we worship the circle of life,
the birth, the growing and the death.
In thee we love the earth
and everything that walks this planet.
In thee we follow the way towards the light.

Hail to thee our mother goddess.

Thou give us birth and life
and we thank thee.
Thou let the food grow
and we thank thee.
Thou make our lifes an end
and we thank thee.
Hail to thee our mother goddess.

We worship thee in all thy incarnations.

In February thy name is Brigid
and thy celebration is Imbolc.
It is the beginning of the new year
and the beginning of the groth of all nature.

In May thy name is Sheela-na-gig
and thy celebration is Beltaine,
it is the youth of the new year
and the time of groth of all nature.

In August thy name is Macha or Tailtiu
and thy celebration is Lughnasadh.
It is the cenit of the year
and the time of furtilness of all nature.

In November thy name is Morrighan,
the Queen of ghosts and thy celebration is Samhain.
It is the ending of the year
and the beginning of the death of all nature.

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